Choose any 5 to read for free right now – from 0 to 12 years, with awesome read-aloud and picture books – these are the 10 best kids’ books in November on Nooksy

Hugable cacti, pinkish piggies and the meerkat who saw the sun! These are the most loved, most shared, highest-rated and (best of all) free kids' books in November from the Nooksy children’s books collection. 

(Seriously – your family can read all these books online for free!)

10 Best Free Kids Books in November

5 Most Read Kids Books in November

How to hug a Cactus

Emily S. Smith, Aleksandra Szmidt

How do you hug a cactus?I’d really like to know.You see, I love my cactus,and my hugs will help it grow.A young girl explores the possibilities of hugging her most favourite plant, a cactus. With a little help from her family members and a gardening guru, she tries a number of solutions to help solve her prickly problem, all with varying degrees of success. How to Hug a Cactus is a story that will ‘stick’ with many readers.


Lynne Rickards, Margaret Chamberlain

"What's a penguin to think when he wakes up PINK?" Patrick wakes up one day to find he's turned pink overnight. But boys can't be pink! Feeling teased and left out, poor Patrick runs away in search of pink playmates. He crosses the ocean where he finds some pink flamingos - but will he fit in with them any better? Patrick soon learns that friendship is never black and white, but that real friends will accept you just as you are.


My Shadow is Pink

Scott Stuart

My Shadow is Pink is a beautifully written rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity.Inspired by the author’s own little boy, ‘Shadow’s’ main character likes princesses, fairies and things ‘not for boys’... he soon learns (through the support of his dad) that everyone has a shadow that they sometimes feel they need to hide.This is an important book for a new generation of children (and adults alike) which exemplifies the concepts of unconditional love, respect and positive parenting.

My Shadow is Pink

Human Town

Anna Doherty, Alan Durant

It’s a lovely day. Let’s take a trip to Human Town. Those humans are always fun, aren’t they? Only there don’t seemto be nearly as many these days…

Human Town

My Shadow is Purple

Scott Stuart

My Dad has a shadow that’s blue as a berry, and my Mum’s is as pink as a blossoming cherry. There’s only those choices, a 2 or a 1. But mine is quite different, it’s both and it’s none.A heartwarming and inspiring book about being true to yourself, by best-selling children’s book creator Scott Stuart. This story considers gender beyond binary in a vibrant spectrum of colour.

5 Highest-Rated Kids Books in November

Moon's Messenger

Virginia Kroll, Zuzanna Celej

Moon´s Messenger reminds us of the importance of conserving and respecting the environment, and that we can all help to protect nature and biodiversity.

Moon's Messenger

My Gran does Karate

Anna Demchenko, Michel Deverall

My Gran does Karate. She knows how to block and chop and how to kick and spin.Don’t let her wrinkles and old skinny bones fool you - my Gran is REALLY strong!This legendary lady is about to HII-YAH her way into your heart and show you what grannies are really made of.But who will be in the firing line when Gran chops and blocks her way all over town?

The Golden Acorn Tree

Jocelyn Argueta, Peili Huang

Follow a friendly squirrel as she explores a charming forest and gathers acorns for her neighbors. Young children will delight in this sweet tale of friends with tails and how they help, and accept, every animal in their forest community.

Temper Tabitha

Jackie Hosking, Leah Russack

We’ve all seen a bratty “Temper Tabitha” having a meltdown in public.But what happens when adults behave like children too?This cleverly written story by rhyme & meter expert Jackie Hosking highlights one of the great misconceptions about adults; Just because a person has grown up physically, doesn’t always guarantee that they’ve grown up emotionally and mentally too. Observation ofadult behaviour often proves this to be true.Author Jackie Hosking is a rising star with seven picture books in production including titles with publishers like Walker Books & Scholastic.

Temper Tabitha

The Little Meerkat, Who Saw The Sun

Hinrich Mummenthey, Claudia Rudolph

The Little Meerkat, Who Saw the Sun: Owl-eye, the little Meerkat, embarks on a journey to seek the answer to a question no one else seems to be asking. Where does she have the rings around her eyes from?

Trends in Children’s Books: Top Categories of Kids Books in October

Most families in October read books about…

1. Taking a Stand

A collection of the best and most inspiring children’s books on the topic of standing up for what’s right. Discover the entire collection of books about taking a Stand.

2. Living your Values

Sometimes, it’s about what is right, not what is easy. And we can all do with a little bit of help and encouragement to stand up for what’s right. Discover the entire collection of books about living your Values.

Remember to check out our collection of books about being a good person, and Nooksy’s books about standing up for what's right for kids.

3. Just be Yourself

It’s more than just OK to be who you are – it’s wonderfully freeing! Everyone else is taken, and we all just want to see you be you. Discover the entire collection of books about just being Yourself.

Also see the awesome selection of kids books in December, the most-read kids books in January and kids books this week.

Plus: Get 5 Free Books, For Life!

Don’t forget that you get 5 free children’s books, for your whole family, for life! It’s easy: simply click through to the Nooksy App, pick a book, enter your details (so we can make it available for you) and start reading! 

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