A family of fancy Dachshunds, a shooting star, and a very professional little mouse. Dive into these 22 books about self-acceptance for kids on Nooksy, today

Each and every one of us is unique with no two people on earth alike. Even twins who are identical, have their own unique makeup, gifts, talents and yes, even quirks. 

It’s easy to compare ourselves to others though, sometimes even wishing we could be more like them. And when we (and especially little ones) compare ourselves to others, it often causes sadness and prevents us from seeing how truly awesome we are.

That’s why it’s so important for kids to accept themselves for who they are from an early age. This self-acceptance goes a long way to feeling happy, confident and ready to take on the world. 

That’s why Nooksy has selected 22 books about Just Being Yourself to help kids understand that it’s okay to be different to others and to accept themselves just the way they are.

22 Books About Self-Acceptance for Kids

My Gran does Karate

Anna Demchenko, Michel Deverall

My Gran does Karate. She knows how to block and chop and how to kick and spin.Don’t let her wrinkles and old skinny bones fool you - my Gran is REALLY strong!This legendary lady is about to HII-YAH her way into your heart and show you what grannies are really made of.But who will be in the firing line when Gran chops and blocks her way all over town?

Happy as a Hog out of Mud

Sean E Avery

Warthogs LOVE to play in mud. But not Charlie…Charlesworth Oinkington is a sophisticated gentle-hog who would rather sip tea, go bird watching and read poetry.Happy as a Hog out of Mud celebrates difference and acceptance via lighthearted humour and cannonballs! Readers will enjoy exploring a range of different animals, engage with the hilarious and quirky illustrations and marvel at the memorable characters.

Madam Hortensia

Carmen Gil, Jon Brokenbrow, Miguel Cerro

Madam Hortensia followed her routine to a tee, until one day everything went wrong… what a disaster! A wonderful story, full of humor, about the importance of tackling new challenges. Do you dare to change?Madam Hortensia lives life in a straight line, never straying a step out of her daily routine. Was she finicky? Not quite, she just liked everything to be perfectly to her liking. Her alarm clock rang every day at 07:18 sharp. Not one minute before, or one minute after. Then her planned routine would begin in extreme detail, and nothing could possibly go wrong. But one morning, her alarm does not go off on time and her life spins into a whirlwind. Suddenly, she finds herself doing entirely new things she has never tried before.

Madam Hortensia

The Two Hearts

Hinrich Mummenthey, Claudia Rudolph

Two hearts, which are very much in love, but ultimately very different – learn an important lesson about acceptance.

The Two Hearts

My Shadow is Pink

Scott Stuart

My Shadow is Pink is a beautifully written rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity.Inspired by the author’s own little boy, ‘Shadow’s’ main character likes princesses, fairies and things ‘not for boys’... he soon learns (through the support of his dad) that everyone has a shadow that they sometimes feel they need to hide.This is an important book for a new generation of children (and adults alike) which exemplifies the concepts of unconditional love, respect and positive parenting.

My Shadow is Pink

Little One

Ariel Andrés Almada, Sonja Wimmer

A perfect tale to read to curious daughters.To the dreamers. To the ones who love braids.To the ones who prefer to wear their hair down.To the ones who fill their mouths with jelly.To the ones that chat away, even when they’re asleep.To the ones who watch in silence, and smile.To the ones who discover the world in the tiniest things.In short, this is a message of love, to remind all daughters that their moms and dads will be there every step of the way through the wonderful adventure that is life.

Little One

Little Ant's Big Plan

Candice Dingwall, Steven McKimmie, Telri Stoop

This is a story about a little ant with a big plan, and how his love for reading saved the day.

Keeping up with the Dachshunds

Carla Fitzgerald, Rebel Challenger

Keeping up is RUFF!As Jet the dog discovers in this hilarious parody.Jet only has three biscuits and a joke to tell.After trying unsuccessfully to keep up with the Dachshunds, she realises this is more than enough to make a true friend!


Lynne Rickards, Margaret Chamberlain

"What's a penguin to think when he wakes up PINK?" Patrick wakes up one day to find he's turned pink overnight. But boys can't be pink! Feeling teased and left out, poor Patrick runs away in search of pink playmates. He crosses the ocean where he finds some pink flamingos - but will he fit in with them any better? Patrick soon learns that friendship is never black and white, but that real friends will accept you just as you are.


The Little Meerkat, Who Saw The Sun

Hinrich Mummenthey, Claudia Rudolph

The Little Meerkat, Who Saw the Sun: Owl-eye, the little Meerkat, embarks on a journey to seek the answer to a question no one else seems to be asking. Where does she have the rings around her eyes from?

My Shadow is Purple

Scott Stuart

My Dad has a shadow that’s blue as a berry, and my Mum’s is as pink as a blossoming cherry. There’s only those choices, a 2 or a 1. But mine is quite different, it’s both and it’s none.A heartwarming and inspiring book about being true to yourself, by best-selling children’s book creator Scott Stuart. This story considers gender beyond binary in a vibrant spectrum of colour.

The Shooting Star

Hinrich Mummenthey, Claudia Rudolph

A story about a star being born and how it comes to truly understand, what makes it so special.

The Shooting Star

Tobey the Business Mouse

C.S Fritz, Elinor Shklaz

Join Tobey the Business Mouse on a journey of discovery and glimpse into the infinite realm of possibilities that lie ahead.Tobey, with his little suit and tie, proves that no matter how small you are, there is no limit to what you can achieve.


Jessica Bosworth Smith, Lauren Nel, Matthew Griffiths

Ann-Nem-Oh-Nee is stuck on her rock all alone. She’s looking for adventure and wants to see the world! But how?


I Love You For You

Heather Lester, Viky Fieldhouse

"You be who you're meant to be, and I'll love you for you." A child might be different from their parent in a lot of ways,but a parent's love is unconditional.I Love You For You celebrates the fun a parent and child have when they embrace what makes each other different.

I Love You For You

Grandma's Odd Socks

Marta Taylor

"I love my grandma. But there?s one thing about her that I don?t understand. She always wears odd socks!"Grandma likes to stand out from the crowd. She chooses colourful clothes, covered in flowers, and her hair is bright red. AND she wears mismatching socks. Everyone laughs at her. But when it?s YOUR grandma, it?s really not funny at all, and something needs to be done!

The Hidden Talent of Phoenix Fox

Kristina Radkevich

Phoenix was just like any other fox. He lived a happy life in the forest with his friends. Phoenix’s friends decide to hold a talent contest to find the most talented animal in the forest, Phoenix’s happy world comes crashing down around him. His friends are better than him at everything they do. With no special talent of his own, he longs to be the best at just one thing. But what?

Seek the Unique

Anika de Klerk, Jana Rawlins, Yuliana Simakovska

A beautifully illustrated wonder-filled story that encourages kids to be curious and playful

Seek the Unique

The Magic Hat Shop

Jon Brokenbrow, Sonja Wimmer

A delightful tale about magic hats and bonnets, but above all about the importance about being yourself and the hidden treasures we carry within us

The Magic Hat Shop

A Very, Very Noisy Tractor

Nívola Uyá, Mar Pavón

A fun, original tale that teach us to open our minds and free our spirits, seeing things the way a child sees them: as they really are.

My EXTRAordinary Mum

Alexandra Colombo, Dani Vee

My mum’s a little quirky, free-spirited and bold. She dances to the beat of her own drum.A fun-filled adventure and celebration of an extraordinary mum and her daughter who find magic in unexpected places.We are all extraordinary, sometimes we just need reminding.


Jon Brokenbrow, Ariel Andrés Almada, Sonja Wimmer

Following on from the success of Little One, from the same creative team comes Son, a declaration of love from parents to their son, with stunning art by award-winning illustrator Sonja WimmerThe long-awaited arrival of a child fills the hearts of all parents with love. That is what happened to the parents of this very special child. In this story they welcome his little son into the world, while they tell him all about this world, their illusions and their fears. They express how much they would like to overcome their fears for him, or prevent him from going through sad moments, but the job of a father is to fill his toddler with feathers, so that one day he can fly alone and feel protected, but, above all, so that find he finds his way home.


We hope you’ll enjoy exploring these stories together and discover the joy of self-acceptance. 

Looking to find your little one’s next read? Check out: How to Select Books for Your Child.

Nooksy Tips: The benefits of early reading on a child’s development.

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